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Cookham Police Meeting

(19 March 2004)

Thanks to Lynda Mallett


Three police officers turned up for the community police meeting at the Community centre.  17 members of the public came to complain that there aren't enough police of the streets!

PC Valentine de Haan, Cookham's beat officer covers an area of 60 square miles (Cookham, Bisham and Hurley) and  said that last year there were 350 crimes in Cookham, (79 were burglaries) and a third of all Cookham crimes were car crimes - break-ins and laptop thefts etc. Most of these happen on the High Street. The CCTV cameras there have been very helpful and he wants to see more lighting around the war memorial.
Twilight robberies are the most common. They happen as we're coming home, thinking about tea and not really looking out for what's going on. Don't assume we get robbed in the middle of the night.
Roger and Simon the special constables have been brilliant and we're hoping for another special cop. Anyone want to volunteer?
And for those who are in a panic over crime. The Government says were at a 20 year low on crime and the figures locally reflect this.
So be vigilant, and be aware.  Don't leave valuables in the boot of your car (take them with you) and watch out for international terrorists. We may be in leafy Cookham but Windsor castle, Maidenhead station and Maidenhead Nightclubs are all potential targets.... but we don't expect to have Al Quaeda target the Bel and the Dragon!

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