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New Logos for Our Trains

(with thanks to Billy Mallett)

(11 June 2004)

Now the franchise has been taken over by First Great western Link have you noticed the Thames Trains logos are being replaced.....?  we don't care who runs them, what colour they are, or whose logo is on them - just as long the service is well maintained, the trains run on time, we have more coaches at peak hour, the station is taken care of, and it's kept clean and litter free..... not much to ask is it?
logos.6.jpg (33007 bytes)
The Cookham Society has concerns about the Cookham line, in that the Strategic Rail Authority is planning to hand over branch lines to local councils, who could then possibly get the local community to pay for the cost of maintaining the line. In the case of the line through Cookham this could be expensive as the bridge over the Thames at Bourne End is in a bad state of repair and could cost many tens of thousands of pounds.  Also there is crumbling where the gravel extraction has been taking place.  Hopefully the Cookham Society will be ensuring that we don't loose our line.
logos.7.jpg (36886 bytes)

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