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15 September 2005

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Marlow Archaeological Society's Cookham Project excavation on the paddock next to Holy Trinity Church is going well.  Everyone is having great fun, and we are finding evidence of human occupation in the vicinity from all periods from prehistoric times, including Iron Age, Bronze-Age, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, medieval and Victorian.

This week, children from Holy Trinity and Herries Schools are visiting the dig to learn about Cookham's history and archaeology.

Anyone who would like to visit is welcome.  Visitors can come and try their hand at archaeological fieldwork - and there are plenty of easy jobs as well as digging!  For example, the people in the picture are sieving for finds, while excavation goes on in the trench behind.

Just call and see us - the dig is open between 9.30am and 4.30pm every day until approx 24th September.

For any enquiries, or if you would like to become a member of MAS, please ring 01628 523896 or e-mail:

The Cookham Project excavation is one of two for which MAS have received a grant from the Lottery Heritage Initiative.

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