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(29 November 2003)

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The Cookham Society Christmas Party on Thursday 27th November was a quieter affair than the joint Twinning and Cookham Society party at Moor Hall in 2002.  This year the party took place at the Odney Club in their attractive River Room.

Drinks and Nibbles

The celebrations were in the form of a cocktail party with the nibbles prepared by Jill Cruse.  Although they were intended to be nibbles, some people were heard to say 'Thank goodness I have not had supper'.  Jill surpassed herself and supplied a wonderful spread for everyone.

There was an incredible Tombola with over one hundred prizes. Sally Lloyd-Parry who had just had a  hip replacement, had come out of hospital and worked wonders in phoning round and gathering prizes. It was totally sold out by the middle of the evening. There bottles of wine, whisky and perfume included in the prizes and some people walked home loaded with goodies. Over £200 was raised on the Tombola.

Sue Mahoney counts the Tombola takings

All ages were there, along with previous Chairmen of the Society. It was a wonderful evening to start off the Christmas season.

Fred Haines and his grand daughter

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