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Be Part of the Whitechapel Mission

(25 June 2008)

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With thanks to Brilliant TV

Have you visited the Whitechapel Mission? You will find that there are quite a few Cookhamites who give a little of their time to help out, even if it is only once a year.

Whitechapel Mission in London's east end was founded in 1876 and provides breakfasts supplied by volunteers every single day of the year including Xmas Day.


It caters to everybody, all races, all gender and those in need of a hot breakfast and some comfort. It is open from 6am until 10am when the visitors can leave feeling comfortable once more - often after having spent a night on the streets. Whitechapel offers breakfasts, showers, clothing and pastoral care. They also offer the life skills needed to rebuild a life. To do this, volunteers are so very much needed and appreciated.  Cookham send 4 or 5 volunteers once a month on a roster basis.  You'll leave home early and enjoy seeing London in the early hours as you arrive at the Mission by 6am in order to get breakfasts underway, ready for serving at 8am.  It is incredibly rewarding and also fun with a sense of camaraderie and it takes you out of your Cookham Comfort zone. You can join a car of others - no need to drive yourself - and it won't cost you a penny.  Do give it a experience necessary and I'm sure you'll be back for more.


Lynda and Irene tried it recently and here they are pictured, busy with their cooking and serving. 




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