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I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here

(25 January 2004)

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13 February 2004 - Timmy is now home from OZ. He did not have to endure the jungle, Johnny Rotten stuck it out long enough for Timmy to remain in his luxury hotel. Timmy says " I'm back. Exhausted and jetlagged. Up this morning at 5am ready for my tea and an evening of fun!"


You can see more of Timmy's travels at

Timmy Mallett was selected as a reserve for the TV show "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here". So Friday 23 January he started to wing his way down to Oz flying first class on QANTAS.   They want him there to cover for any men that may drop out, break a leg or refuse to cooperate a la Johnny Rotten. He will be sending us updates of his trip and some photos.

25 January 2004

Timmy here in 31 deg, Stamford Plaza Hotel in Brisbane. My suite is being made ready as we speak!!! Flew first class Qantas - sleeper beds, duvets, even pyjamas!

I'm a celebrity - sod the jungle!!!

25 January 2004 more updates

Timmy Mallett in Oz

Possibility that Johnny Rotten may drop out, see the Sun and Daily Record below. Timmy you may have to give up your luxury hotel for the creepy crawlies in the jungle!!

The Sun

Daily Record 

27 January 2004 

Timmy says "The psychiatrist is due to interview me at 6.30pm (8.30am UK) to see if I'm nuts enough to go in the jungle should I be needed! I'll be interested to see how he decides?

Also the wardrobe mistress arrives to make sure my jungle gear fits before sending it off to be printed. Apparently I can keep it whether I go in the jungle or
not. I expect I shall have to wear it around school pick up. Young Billy Mallett rang me this morning to demand....
 "Dad everyone at school wants you to get a photo of Jordan's jugs!!!"

Tonight we are going out to dinner and I expect to meet Carol and Jordan's mum and someone from the production team (they are all terribly excited) so no doubt there will be some little gems dropped into the conversation..... we wait to see.

However I did get a photo or two for Billy... Surfers Paradise has the best parking attendants in the world. They walk around in itsy bitsy teeny weeny golden bikinis!! and FEED YOUR METER!!!! Yes, they actually put money in your meter so you don't get a ticket.

What a sensational idea - much more interesting than the congestion charge!

And naturally they were delighted to meet a true British celebrity especially when they realised I had a number 1 hit with Itsy Bitsy....

 I'm a celebrity - Feed my Meter!!

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