Cookham Folk Dance Club was started in 1971. It is affiliated to the English Folk Dance and Song Society, whose Headquarters are at Cecil Sharp House in London. They organise and run classes, concerts, dances and events locally and nationally and also maintain the Vaughan William Memorial Library, the national archive of much English traditional music and song.



Club meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from September to June in the hall of Cookham Rise Primary School, High Road.  Each time, a different caller chooses a programme and explains the movements.  We do mainly English country dances with a sprinkling of North American squares and contras, ranging from the courtly 17th century 'Playford' style to recently composed dances.  The emphasis is on participation and enjoyment and newcomers are always welcome.

The cost is very modest - currently £2 an evening, or less for a term paid in advance.

For more information contact Maggie Fletcher 01628 486461

Click here for the CDSS web site

Affiliated to the Country Dance and Song Society

Celebrating a Living Tradition of English
and Anglo-American Folk Dance
and Music since 1915


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