September 1999

The local council and the Environment Agency have granted us £1000 to create a major nest box scheme for Little Owls in the Cookham area.

We currently have a team of people up to their knees in saw-dust making quite sophisticated one-up, one-down boxes for these delightful creatures and hope to be installing them in a month or so.

This information just so folk can see that at least SOME of their money goes to a good cause and may explain why they might be seeing huge tit boxes in various trees over the months to come!!

And on the subject of Owls, the Hawk and Owl Trust, together with the Woodland Trust, are to erect a substantial number of Tawny Owl boxes in Bisham and Quarry Woods.  We will need some volunteers to help check their success next spring, following some simple training. If you're interested, do let me know.