Stick with me babe ... I'll make you into a star!
and then I saw her face, now I'm a believer!
not a trace of doubt in my mind! I'm in love! OOOOOOH!
summer lovin!
had me a  blast!
Toni and Jo
I can't hear the moral debate!
Stick your fingers in your ears and sing!
Just a little snack before we drink some more!
Stuart and the team sing the brekky jingle!
cool band! Oh yeah!
Theo tells his Pardon Pardon Pardon joke for the last time...
Its fun to stay at the YMCA!
moments to go..... before I pass out!!!!!
The End of CSFM 2006
Until the next time ....!!!
Gallery 21
Gallery 22
Gallery 23
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Gallery 26
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Gallery 30
Gallery 31
Gallery 32
Gallery 33
Farewell Party 1
Farewell Party 2
Farewell Party 3
Farewell Party 4 Gallery Gallery Gallery
CSFM Guest Celebrities